Job Listing
🔗Historic Architecture Specialist

  • Full Time
  • Helena, MT
  • $21.57 with $.50/hr. increase after 6 months. USD / Hour
  • Applications have closed
  • Department: Montana Historical Society
  • Job Summary: Project review under National Historic Preservation Act, State Antiquities Act, and Federal Rehab Tax Credit program; technical preservation outreach.
  • Job Qualifications:

    The incumbent must have a master’s degree in historic preservation, a closely related field of study, or architecture degree. A minimum of two years full-time professional experience is ideal. Experience can include hands-on preservation work, construction project planning or management.

  • How to Apply:

    Please apply at and attach your cover letter, resume, and answers to these three supplemental questions (limit 750 words each):

    1. What guidance would you provide the owner of a National Register listed property whose plan for reducing a heating bill includes historic window replacement?

    2. Describe the relevance of SHPOs and the Section 106 process.

    3. Preservation advocates are challenging a developer who has produced an allegedly skewed engineering study to gain local government approval to demolish a landmark building. Advocates ask SHPO to take a stand against the developer. What would you do?

  • Contact Name: Pete Brown
  • Application Email:
  • Application URL:
  • Application Phone #: 406-444-7718

Website Montana State Historic Preservation Office

The Montana Historical Society is Montana SHPO's parent agency.

·     Provide guidance based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties to federal and state agencies, community historic preservation officers, and private property owners.

·     Consult with federal agencies, their permittees, and grantees under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

·     Consult with state agencies under the Montana State Antiquities Act.

·     Act as a liaison between the National Park Service and private property owners applying for Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credits.

·     Negotiate the terms of agreements associated with state and federal undertakings.

·     Evaluate properties for their National Register eligibility.

·     Review and comment on historic structures reports, property records, interpretive material, feasibility studies, etc.

·     Perform outreach to promote our office programs and preservation.

·     Pursue independent projects that advance an understanding and appreciation of Montana’s cultural resources.