Job Listing
🔗Historic Architecture Specialist

Website Montana State Historic Preservation Office
The Montana Historical Society is Montana SHPO's parent agency.
· Provide guidance based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties to federal and state agencies, community historic preservation officers, and private property owners.
· Consult with federal agencies, their permittees, and grantees under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
· Consult with state agencies under the Montana State Antiquities Act.
· Act as a liaison between the National Park Service and private property owners applying for Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credits.
· Negotiate the terms of agreements associated with state and federal undertakings.
· Evaluate properties for their National Register eligibility.
· Review and comment on historic structures reports, property records, interpretive material, feasibility studies, etc.
· Perform outreach to promote our office programs and preservation.
· Pursue independent projects that advance an understanding and appreciation of Montana’s cultural resources.