Job Listing
🔗Environmental Review Specialist for Non-Programmatic Agreement Transportation Projects

North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office
As the official state agency for historic preservation in North Carolina, the Historic Preservation Office identifies, protects, and enhances North Carolina’s historic properties and districts through a coordinated statewide program of incentives, information, and technical assistance for public agencies, private organizations, and the state’s citizens. Section programs include: processing nominations to the National Register of Historic Places; comprehensive architectural surveys for counties and municipalities; technical assistance for the care and treatment of historic buildings; technical assistance and training for 105 local historic preservation commissions statewide; management of a federal pass-through grant program for the federal Certified Local Government (CLG) program; and environmental review of development projects that may affect historic properties and archaeological resources. It functions as the state clearinghouse for federal & state protection & incentive programs.
Key Responsibilities:
The Environmental Review Branch within the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) reviews federal and state undertakings that may affect historic properties: including buildings, structures, archaeological sites, objects, and districts that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The reviews are carried out pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation at 36 CFR 800, National Environmental Policy Act, North Carolina General Statute 121-12(a), and the State Environmental Policy Act. Comments on the undertakings are provided to federal, state, and local governments as well as businesses, organizations, and individuals to assist them with development projects within the state. The Branch also coordinates closely with federal, state, and local governments to educate their personnel, the public, and public officials on review and compliance matters related to historic preservation.
Telework up to three days per week may be possible with this position.
Please note that internships and teaching/graduate assistantships may be counted as experience as long as the work performed is directly relevant to the position.