Job Listing
🔗Historic Planner 1

Website City of Houston
Houston, the 4th largest city in the United States, is a dynamic, growing city, rich in culture and diversity. The Planning & Development Department’s mission is to grow and preserve Houston’s diverse communities to create a resilient city.
– Presents, or assists in presenting, detailed reports or studies to government bodies.
– Assists in the development of planning studies in support of new or updated plans, planning programs, or regulations.
– Writes, or assists in writing, formal and technical reports, planning documents, and correspondences.
– Reviews development proposals of moderate complexity for compliance with applicable regulations.
– Provides technical assistance and recommendations in the administration of specific planning programs, regulations, or ordinances.
– Researches and compiles information on a variety of planning issues from multiple sources.
– Prepares maps and other graphical representations of data of varying complexity.
– Works closely with the public on planning programs, requirements, or ordinances.