Job Listing
🔗Cultural Resources Technician
Website Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML)
CEMML is a research, education, and service unit within the Warner College of Natural Resources at CSU. CEMML applies the latest and most appropriate science to promote the sustainable management of natural and cultural resources on Department of Defense (DoD) and other public lands. We provide technical support, conduct applied research, and offer career development and learning opportunities to support resource stewardship. We collaborate with our sponsors and other CSU departments to resolve complex environmental issues, leaving a legacy of science-based decisions that sustain our resources for future generations.
The positions and the associated projects vary by military installation, and each position is intended to provide a set of unique projects and tasks that will help graduate students and early career professionals better understand the roles and responsibilities of cultural resources management. Through these positions, successful technicians will have the opportunity to expand their skills and knowledge in a variety of areas, including but not limited to:
- Historical and archival research
- National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) compliance
- Archaeological inventory and assessment
- Historic property evaluation and monitoring
- Cultural resource identification
- GPS data collection and GIS mapping
- Osteological identification and analysis
- State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) correspondence and documentation
- Writing and editing technical reports
- Cultural resource management planning