Job Listing
🔗Architectural Historian
Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources
-Review federal undertakings subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 for compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (SOI Standards)
-Evaluate the significance of cultural resources and their eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places.
-Provide guidance for the long-term preservation of historic properties through the application of the SOI Standards
-Participate in and advise on the development of agreement documents to resolve adverse effects to historic properties.
-Respond to requests for information and provide technical assistance in the treatment of historic properties
-Assist in preservation planning efforts by working with federal, state, and local agencies, private individuals, and community organizations
-Monitor covenants and easements on historic properties held by the department; visit and assess the condition of these properties
-Provide technical expertise to the grants program through reviews of grant applications and grant products with emphasis on development and pre-development projects
-Develop, prepare, and present preservation-related educational materials
-Use ESRI ArcGIS tools to research, identify, and evaluate historic properties.
-Maintain electronic and physical files for SHPO Programs
-Update databases with current information