Job Listing
🔗Urban Planner

  • Full Time
  • Oak Park, IL
  • $38.65 USD / Hour
  • Applications have closed
  • Department: Development Services
  • Job Qualifications:

    Experience: Three years of responsible planning and/or historic preservation experience including, conducting historic research, performing data analysis, building permit and development review.

    106 Reviews (historic properties using Federal funding):


    1.     At least two years of full-time experience in research, writing, or teaching in American architectural history or restoration architecture with an academic institution, historical organization or agency, museum, or other professional institution; or

    2.     Substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly knowledge in the field of American architectural history.


    The minimum professional qualifications in historic architecture or a professional degree in architecture or a State license to practice architecture, plus one of the following:


    1.     At least one year of graduate study in architectural preservation, American architectural history, preservation planning, or closely related field; or

    2.     At least one year of full-time professional experience on historic preservation projects.

    Such graduate study or experience shall include detailed investigations of historic structures, preparation of historic structures research reports, and preparation of plans and specifications for preservation projects.



    Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major coursework in historic preservation, architecture, urban planning, public administration or a related field.  Master’s degree preferred.

  • How to Apply:

    Applicants can apply directly using the following link:

    For additional information on the position visit our website at Applications and resumes may also be submitted by mail to: Human Resources, Village of Oak Park, 123 Madison Street, Oak Park, IL 60302; by email to:; or by fax to: 708-358-5107.  The Village of Oak Park offers a highly competitive benefit package that includes a retirement plan, deferred compensation program, social security, health & life insurance, vacation, sick leave & other benefits

  • Application Email:
  • Application URL:
  • Application Phone #: 708-358-5650
  • Application Fax #: 708-358-5107
  • Application Address: 123 Madison Oak Park, IL 60302

Website Village of Oak Park

The Village of Oak Park is a thriving, transit-oriented community of about 52,000 people located immediately west of the City of Chicago and known for its great neighborhoods, architectural heritage, and innovative public policy initiatives. Within its 4.5 square miles live one of the region's most diverse mixes of cultures, races, ethnicities, professions, lifestyles, religions, ages and incomes. Oak Park operates under the village manager form of government. An elected legislative board consisting of a president and six trustees directs a professional manager to carry out their policy and oversee the day-to-day administration of government. Village services and programs are performed by about 370 employees across eight major departments.

The ideal applicant will be able to…

·         Be a primary point of contact to assist the public and other Village staff on planning issues, specifically historic preservation matters;

·         Prepare, review, revise, and maintain a variety of information including statistics, graphics, environmental reviews, and legal notices for major programs; prepare a variety of reports.

·         Plan a variety of major and minor studies; organize, evaluate and make presentations on study findings.

·         Assist in the preparation and revision of major planning documents including the neighborhood business district plans, comprehensive plan, and zoning ordinance.

·         Assist in the preparation and revision of major historic preservation documents including the historic preservation ordinance, strategic historic preservation plan, historic resource survey and Landmark nominations.

·         Respond to inquiries from the general public and Village staff regarding historic preservation, planning, and when necessary zoning. Prepare grant applications for additional sources of funding.

·         Serve as staff to the Historic Preservation Commission and other commissions or committees as assigned.

·         Perform Historic Preservation reviews and provide advice to homeowners and/or applicants.

·         Support Village’s Planning, Zoning and Historic Preservation Programs.

·         Review zoning ordinance text amendments, variances, special use permits, subdivisions and planned developments that affect Landmarks or properties within historic districts.


·         Process nominations for Landmark designation through the Historic Preservation Commission; prepare nominations for Landmark designation as needed.

·         Administer the Village’s Programmatic Agreement by providing Section 106 review     responsibilities for CDBG, HUD and IHPA program activities.

·         Assist in managing any and all business sign programs or code requirements related to business signage.


In addition, the ideal applicant will have excellent customer service skills, strong written and oral communication skills, extensive experience effectively multi-tasking, strong analytical abilities, good time-management skills and the ability to address planning matters at varying levels of complexity.