Job Listing
🔗Section 106 Review and Compliance Liaison for Climate Change Response Undertakings – Term Position (Up to 5 years)

Website National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers
A term-limited position to support the National Park Service’s (NPS) Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science Directorate (CRPS) as a Liaison and a coordinator working with the NPS, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs). The employee will help develop bureau-specific Section 106 review and compliance pathways, protocols, program alternatives, and corresponding guidance and training for park and program adaptation projects in support of climate change response in the NPS. The employee will complete the following tasks within a five-year time frame.
Specific tasks include:
- Assist, advise, and partner with the ACHP Liaison(s) working with the NPS on efforts to focus on the review and compliance aspect required under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for undertakings aimed at improving the resiliency of cultural resources facing the effects of climate change.
- Collect data from staff at parks, regions, and headquarters including from the various directorates and subject matter expert offices to assess the status of NPS cultural resource climate change resiliency and Section 106 compliance efforts in parks thus far, identifying themes, best practices, and areas of constraints and opportunities for review and compliance pathways, protocols and program alternatives. Expand this work to NPS programs and applicants, as directed.
- Provide dedicated assistance to NPS identifying and developing Section 106 compliance pathways or protocols for using the existing 2008 Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Compliance With Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and/or other applicable program alternatives, and developing new pathways, protocols, and/or program alternatives to help the NPS expedite reviews and create consistency.
- Assist the NPS to address cultural resources resiliency compliance efficiencies for, but not limited to, the types of undertakings listed below, as well as developing protocols or agreements to facilitate consultations required under Section 106 of the NHPA:
a. Testing, assessment, inventory, monitoring, and documentation efforts
b. Abatement and stabilization projects
c. Infrastructure and utility upgrades
d. Transportation and infrastructure projects
e. Resiliency, conservation, and adaptation projects (i.e. flood, fire, drought, etc.)
f. Cultural resources resiliency informed by Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Tribal knowledge, and local knowledge
g. Emergency response and recovery efforts
h. Integration of Section 106 with planning processes and procedures such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other NPS policies. - Develop scopes of work for special projects to inform the NPS’s larger cultural resources climate change resiliency effort, and contract for, administer, and ensure timely execution of the special projects with the ACHP Liaison(s) and in coordination with NPS, SHPOs, and THPOs.
- Develop and provide guidance, training, outreach, and implementation assistance to the field, including guidance on NPS alternative processes consistent with similar existing Section 106 trainings within the NPS.
- Identify issues of mutual concern to NPS, State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs), and the ACHP, and assist in the development of best practices and related publications or peripherals, as needed.
- Identify, document, and develop NPS cultural resource climate change resiliency case studies and success stories in Section 106 review and compliance to create reference materials for assistance with other NPS projects.
- Participate in activities, including meetings, workshops, and conferences, involving coordinating organizations (NPS, SHPOs, THPOs and/or ACHP) and/or of relevant professional organizations, as time and budget allows and as applicable to Liaison duties.