Job Listing
🔗RFP: Battle of Bladensburg Interpretation Scoping Project, Maryland

  • Consultant
  • Temporary
  • Bladensburg, MD
  • $22,800 USD / Year
  • Applications have closed
  • Job Qualifications:

    ATHA encourages proposals from consultants with expertise in history, parks, education, interpretation, and placemaking. We are dedicated to actively seeking out and partnering with consultants from a wide range of backgrounds, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability status, and socio-economic background. We believe that diverse consultants bring unique insights and expertise that enrich our projects and drive innovation.

  • How to Apply:

    The total budget for this project is $22,800. This amount is inclusive of all expenses, including research, travel, materials, and any other costs incurred by the consultant team. All proposals must be submitted by Wednesday, July 3, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered. Please email to ATHA staff will work very closely with the selected team to provide the necessary administrative and technical support to complete this project by Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

  • Contact Name: Meagan Baco
  • Application Email:
  • Application URL:

Website Anacostia Trails Heritage Area, Inc.

Anacostia Trails Heritage Area, Inc. (ATHA), a private nonprofit organization, is seeking proposals from qualified consultant teams to conduct a survey of existing interpretation of the Battle of Bladensburg and the War of 1812 within the county as well as a comprehensive review of modern best practices in battlefield interpretation with a focus on inclusive storytelling, creative engagement, and new technologies.

The Battle of Bladensburg, fought on August 24, 1814 in Prince George’s County, Maryland holds significant importance in both state and national history due to its immediate tactical consequences, its impact on national morale and political dynamics, and its lasting cultural and symbolic significance. During the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812, the State of Maryland, under then-Governor Martin O’Malley, supported a robust commemoration that resulted in historic research, large events, and many new interpretive signs. These documents, photos, and signs continue to stand on the landscape 10 years later. The goal of this project is to inventory, assess, and plan for the retention, repair, removal, and/or replacement of War of 1812 public history interpretation elements in Prince George’s County, Maryland – specifically the Battle of Bladensburg.

This project is funded in part by at National Park Service Battlefield Interpretation Grant for scoping (planning and development) and does not include plan implementation. Proposals are due Monday, July 1, 2024 via email. A confirmation receipt will be sent to all applicants. Interviews will take place, as needed, in July with a project award decision made on Monday, July 29, 2024. The project needs to be completed by Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
