Job Listing
🔗City of Albany Warehouse District Historic Resources Survey

Website City of Albany
The City of Albany, located on the banks of the Hudson River in the heart of the Capital District, is proud to be New York State's Capital City. Albany is a beautiful destination, offering valuable resources for higher education and sustainable living, vibrant and active urban centers, and desirable neighborhoods. The City's deep-rooted history and heritage have shaped the City's urban footprint, complementing its natural setting along the waterfront and its reflection of historic architecture, major institutions, mixed neighborhoods and diversity of residents.
Completed in 2019, the Citywide Historic Preservation Plan identifies future survey areas throughout the City. Survey and documentation are key elements to the City’s historic preservation plan: its purpose is to collect and record information for significant buildings, sites, and structures worthy of some form of designation. An intensive survey provides detailed information about the historic resources in an area and provided recommendations for designation.
The goal of this proposal is to conduct an Intensive-level Historic Resources Survey (HRS) of the Warehouse District. The survey area is centered on North Broadway and North Pearl Street corridors and would be bounded by Emmet Street on the north, Colonie Street on the south, Erie Boulevard on the east, and a portion of Loudonville Road and Tivoli Street on the west. The neighborhood is comprised of small and large brick and concrete industrial buildings and warehouses from the early 20th century. The area contains some significant architecture and history is a vital part of the City’s historic fabric as it is the City’s earliest remaining industrial area. A number of buildings within the proposed area have been individually listed on the National Register.
The anticipated product will be a Historic Resources Survey Report with recommended next steps for the identified survey area. Based on the findings and recommendations of the report the goal is to list the Warehouse District on the State and National Register.
It is expected that one public meeting will be held for the survey area. The meeting will inform neighborhood residents, property owners, and interested parties about an HRS is and the survey process as well as the next steps after the survey is completed. At the completion of the survey, a presentation of the findings and recommendations for the next steps will be made to the Historic Resources Commission.
The successful consultant may include a single firm or team of firms with the necessary experience and knowledge to provide the expertise to achieve the scope of services described in the RFP. The single firm, or team of firms, shall demonstrate their expertise and experience in all areas of historic preservation including preservation survey and documentation, preservation architecture, and community engagement.
The HRS must be completed and submitted to the New York State Historic Preservation Office by September 30, 2021. Qualified firms shall demonstrate a proven history of experience in conducting Historic Resource Surveys. The consultant will engage property owners, community leaders, and staff to develop a substantive and informative document.