Job Listing
🔗Staff Architect

Website City of Charleston
The Staff Architect will work in the Planning Department’s Preservation Division and will be part of a team responsible for administrating the Board of Architectural Review within Charleston’s historic districts and Landmark Overlay properties. The division is also responsible for the administration of the Design Review Board, which oversees the design and alterations of properties outside the city’s historic districts. In addition, the division assists and offers guidance for the community on matters of historic preservation and urban design.
Examples of Duties:
- In this position you will confer with the City Architect to review architectural proposals for new construction and/or historic rehabilitation/restoration projects in the City.
- Conduct site visits and inspections of construction projects to ensure compliance with approvals.
- Review final detailed construction documents for compliance with approvals prior to issuance of a Building Permit.
- Implement City planning principles and zoning ordinances, focusing on a particular aspect of the program, such as land use or historical resources.
- Prepare research and gathers data to assist in zoning-related recommendations to boards and commissions.
- Respond to citizen inquiries regarding city plans and zoning ordinances.
- Investigate potential violations of the city’s preservation ordinances.
- Perform other duties as assigned.