Job Listing
🔗Historic Architectural Preservation Manager

Website City of Key West
Identifies, prepares and submits grant applications for Federal and State funding programs related to preservation and redevelopment activities.
Administers and provides all necessary coordination with Federal and State officials for the Certified Local Government Program.
Administers, develops, updates and implements policies of comprehensive preservation planning, ordinances, guidelines, and special regulations affecting historic buildings, sites and districts.
Manages and coordinates short-and-long term planning process and architectural preservation design for city projects proposed within the historic district, including community outreach, analysis, meeting facilitation and design procurement.
Oversees and promotes public education, awareness and appreciation of historic, architectural and archaeological resources.
Supervises and provides full staff support to the Historical Architectural Review Commission, oversees the preparation of HARC agendas and minutes on a timely basis.
Provides staff representation and assistance to redevelopment and related advisory boards and agencies.
Coordinates and interprets preservation and redevelopment activities involving historic properties or properties within the historic zoning districts with the departments of Building, Code Enforcement, Engineering and other city departments.
Extensive experience working hands-on with architects, engineers, contractors and owners in design strategies, architectural modifications, construction material decay, historic preservation methodologies, and construction technics to fulfill an applicant’s goals while meeting historic architectural preservation regulations.
Provides technical assistance to City agencies, developers, designers and property owners concerning appropriate changes, restoration or modification of properties within the historic district.
Organizes and prepares agendas and minutes for special HARC workshops as required.
Administers, interprets, and maintains database management of ongoing projects and the Historic Architectural Survey.
Supervises and executes Certificates of Appropriateness approved administratively and oversees the compliance review for construction permit process specific to historic preservation regulations.
Administers, interprets and explains HARC regulations and ordinances to customers.
Keeps appropriate records and files on permits and plans for HARC.
Supervises, develops and provides all required reporting pertaining to historic preservation efforts.