Job Listing
🔗Historic Architectural Preservationist

Website City of Key West

Provides support and assistance to the Historic Architectural Preservation Manager.  This is a highly advanced professional position that works specifically with historic architectural preservation matters, including technical analysis of Certificate of Appropriateness applications, daily contact with the public regarding historic preservation and development matters that are proposed within the historic zoning districts and buildings, structures, and sites under the Historic Architectural Review Commission.  Assists in implementing the Historic Preservation Chapter of the Land Development Regulations and the Historic Architectural Guidelines.  Assists in planning and public outreach pertaining to new proposed projects in city properties within the historic district.  Manages special projects as assigned by the Historic Architectural Preservation Manager and the City Planner to accomplish historic preservation goals.file:///K:/HARC/Certified%20Local%20Goverment/Historic%20Architectural%20Preservationist%20(PDF)_202403261155446443.pdf