Job Listing
🔗Historic Preservation Specialist

  • Full Time
  • Passaic County, New Jersey
  • $50,000-$65,000 USD / Year
  • Applications have closed
  • Department: Department of Cultural & Historic Affairs
  • Job Summary: Assists the Director of the Department of Cultural & Historic Affairs with planning, implementing, and monitoring the County’s preservation programs.
  • Job Qualifications:

    Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s degree in historic preservation, architecture, history, anthropology, American studies, museum studies, or related field;
    Minimum of two to five (2-5) years of experience in planning, monitoring, and/or coordinating programs;
    Previous experience in preservation, planning, administration, cultural programs, etc. are preferred;
    Proficient computer skills including but not limited to: Office, Photoshop, Adobe products;
    New Jersey residency is required.

  • How to Apply:

    Please send cover letter and resume as a PDF attachment to:

    DEADLINE TO APPLY: Friday, February 26, 2021

  • Job benefits: Benefits Included
  • Contact Name: Kelly C. Ruffel, Director
  • Application Email:
  • Application Address: Dey Mansion Washington's Headquarters 199 Totowa Road Wayne, NJ 07470

Website County of Passaic Department of Cultural & Historic Affairs

The Department of Cultural & Historic Affairs (DCHA) creates and maintains a flourishing cultural landscape throughout Passaic County. As the designated proponent for the County’s heritage and the agent for arts and history programming, the DCHA is responsible for developing, promoting, and implementing an extensive public program calendar and heritage tourism campaign to encourage public awareness and visitation to the County’s historic sites. Included in these sites are the Dey Mansion Washington’s Headquarters, Hamilton House Museum, Lambert Tower, Lambert Castle, Passaic County Arts Center at the John W. Rea House, Westervelt-Vanderhoef House, Passaic County Court House, Passaic County Court House Annex, Goffle Brook Park, and Garret Mountain Reservation. Through this ongoing endeavor, the DCHA maintains these sites for Passaic County residents and visitors to enjoy today and will ensure that these sites are preserved for the benefit of future generations.

  • Reviews local, county, state, and federally funded, sponsored, or licensed projects to determine the effect of the project on cultural resources, and if appropriate recommend mitigation or avoidance measures in accordance with state and federal law;
  • Reviews and examines plans, specifications, environmental impact documents, reports, and resolutions applying to the construction of proposed projects and provides analyses.
  • Preparation, execution, and administration of project grant agreements for the Passaic County preservation re-grant program;
  • Conducts field investigations of proposed projects to assess the potential for impacts on historic properties for both County-owned- and locally-owned assets;
  • Reviews, monitors, and comments on cultural resource surveys prepared by historic preservation consultants including the identification, description, research, analysis, photography, mapping, and recording format for conformance to federal and state standards and guidelines for properties to be entered into the New Jersey Historic Sites Inventory;
  • Provides direction and guidance to historic preservation consultants in the preparation of cultural resource studies, reports, and nominations to the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places;
  • Aides in development and implementation of the County’s historic markers and interpretive signage programs;
  • Meet with citizens, public officials, and others on historic preservation matters;
  • Prepares routine released and/or brochures;
  • Attends meetings, lectures, seminars, and conferences;
  • Maintains essential records and files; and
  • Researches, prepares, and revises routine nominations for designations of local historic sites.