Job Listing
🔗Planner III

Website Fairfax County Government
Fairfax County is one of the premier centers of commerce and technology in the United States. Governed by a 10-member Board of Supervisors, it is among the highest income counties in the country. Located just west of the nation’s capital, Fairfax County is the most populous jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Virginia and continues to be a cornerstone within the regional Washington, D.C. economy. Fairfax County has been nationally recognized as a leader in government performance measurement, garnering the International City and County Management Association's Center for Performance Measurement Certificate of Excellence every year since 2009. The county continues to maintain an exception Triple A bond rating. Only eight states, 37 counties (including Fairfax), and 37 cities hold this distinction.
The Planning Division, within the Department of Planning and Development, is responsible for planning the long-term growth of Fairfax County. This division maintains and updates the county’s Comprehensive Plan and plan map; evaluates land use and development proposals for conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and measures related environmental, development and public facility impacts; prepares various planning and policy studies which explore development, land use, environmental, heritage resources, and public facility issues, and offers recommendations for future direction; and assists in the development of the County’s Capital Improvement Program. The Heritage Resources & Plan Development Branch assists in the administration of the Zoning Ordinance regulations for the county’s 15 Historic Overlay Districts; conducts historic preservation planning studies and provides support to the county’s Architectural Review Board and History Commission; provides interpretations of the county’s Comprehensive Plan relating to heritage resources; and conducts heritage resources related Comprehensive Plan updates, amendments, and planning studies.
The Heritage Resources Planner III position serves as a senior heritage resources planner responsible for managing or performing complex heritage resources planning and surveying activities including developing related land use and policy recommendations; also serves as staff liaison to the Board-appointed Architectural Review Board.
Assists in the administration and management of the county’s Historic Overlay District Zoning Ordinance
Researches existing conditions, land use, and planning and zoning information to be used in special studies, development review analysis and plan amendments relating to county heritage resources.
Prepares a variety of written materials including heritage resource assessments, research reports, staff reports, planning studies and evaluations, and public hearing items.
Formulates work programs and serves as team leader on consultant and staff studies.
Acts as liaison to citizen task forces or other stakeholder groups.
Makes presentations to senior staff, Architectural Review Board, History Commission, Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, and task forces and citizens groups. Performs other duties as assigned.
Note: In accordance with current Fairfax County telework and personnel policies, this position is eligible for partial telework. Telework enrollment and continuance are subject to supervisor approval and County policy.