Job Listing
🔗Summer 2024 Intern

Website Indiana Landmarks
Indiana Landmarks, the country’s largest statewide historic preservation non-profit organization, offers two full-time summer internship opportunities. The positions will conduct an annual assessment of historic properties in Indianapolis within the organization’s covenant and easement program and will include additional heritage-based projects. The internships will last a period of 12-16 weeks beginning in May 2024. The positions will be based in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The internships begin officially in May 2024 and are expected to end in August. Dates are somewhat flexible, but the intern is expected to complete the project before returning to school or another job. The hourly rate of pay is $16 per hour, and reimbursement for mileage is $.67 cents per mile. Digital camera and computer are supplied. The intern is responsible for their own food and lodging, though assistance in finding housing is available.
Indiana Landmarks has one of the most extensive easement and covenant programs for historic structures of any similar not-for-profit organization in the country. The work of the interns will build on monitoring work that has been done in past years and aim to complete a statewide, comprehensive analysis. After an initial training period, work will begin in the field. Interns will assess and record physical conditions and possible alterations of each protected property. Interns will need to interact with property owners. Additional projects and duties will be assigned by the intern’s supervisor.