Job Listing
🔗Director, Eastern Regional Office
Website Indiana Landmarks
Indiana Landmarks revitalizes communities, strengthens connections to our diverse heritage, and saves meaningful places. As one of the most robust historic preservation organizations in the United States, this management level position affords opportunity for advancement in the field.
Represent Indiana Landmarks with advocacy efforts to save endangered landmarks in a 12-county region of eastern Indiana;
-Work with individuals, community groups, and local governments on preservation issues and projects, including initiating use of the grant and real estate loan programs of Indiana Landmarks;
-Provide staff assistance on a contractual basis as a “circuit rider” to historic preservation commissions;
-Help establish new preservation organizations and commissions in the region;
-Contribute articles to the Indiana Preservation, our bi-monthly magazine and write a monthly e-newsletter; and
-Lead or assist with other projects and programs as assigned by supervisors.