Job Listing
🔗Design Review Planner
Website Knoxville-Knox County Planning
Knoxville-Knox County Planning (Planning) is looking for a dedicated planner to assist with the agency’s design review program. The position works closely with the Design Review Program Manager to administer local infill housing guidelines, review development applications for historic zoning, middle housing, and downtown projects, prepare long-range plans, and provide customer service.
Typical job duties include:
• Assisting with initiatives and projects in historic preservation planning, infill housing, downtown design, development review, ordinance drafting, and other areas as assigned.
• Preparing staff reports and recommendations to the Historic Zoning Commissions, Design Review Board, and Planning Commission.
• Working with neighborhood groups to determine feasibility of historic overlay districts and architectural design guidelines.
• Conducting field investigations and maintaining county-wide inventory of historically and architecturally significant structures and districts.
• Providing technical support and professional guidance to others involved in historic preservation and rehabilitation work.
• Assisting in the coordination of Section 106 reviews for federal and local projects.
• Reviewing rezoning requests and development plans.
• Supporting long-range planning projects.
• Making formal presentations to the public, other professionals, and various commissions.
• Providing support to the agency’s customer service counter.