Job Listing
🔗President (Volunteer)

Website Medford-Brooks Estate Land Trust
The Brooks Estate is a 50 acre site in Medford that encompasses 2 buildings and conservation land. The Shepherd Brooks Manor and Carriage House are in the process of being restored with the goal of making the Carriage House an income-generating property within the next 10 years.
M-BELT is a community non-profit dedicated to preserving this important site. The President’s primary goal is to direct the execution of the Master Plan with the assistance of the rest of the Board. In addition to executing the Master Plan, the President will be responsible for:
- Setting policy, planning initiatives, and general organizational management
- Creating and achieving annual goals for the M-BELT Board and Committees
- Presiding over public events and representing M-BELT at public meetings
- Directing regular and effective communication to elected officials, city/state departments, the board, membership, and the general public
- Managing regular board meetings as well as M-BELT financials and contracts
The President will be supported by a paid, part-time administrative position.