Job Listing
🔗Cultural Anthropologist (106 Coordinator)

  • Full Time
  • Asheville, NC
  • $59,966 - $77,955 USD / Year
  • Applications have closed
  • Department: Planning, Lands, and Compliance Program
  • Job Summary: This position is located at the Blue Ridge Parkway Headquarters office in Asheville, NC, as part of the Division of Planning, Lands, and Compliance. The position will support planning and compliance efforts for Blue Ridge Parkway projects and operati
  • How to Apply:

    Please apply on USAJOBs

  • Application URL:

National Park Service - Blue Ridge Parkway

Major duties include but are not limited to:

  • Advise Park management on park natural (flora and fauna) and cultural ethnographic resources (sites, structures, objects and landscapes) and the contemporary people who value them.
  • Assists with monitoring the conditions of ethnographic resources, identifies potential threats, and makes preliminary recommendations regarding the mitigation of present and potential impacts.
  • Coordinate Park cultural anthropology/ethnography strategies and programs with activities on adjacent lands for the purposes of broad protection strategies and minimizing human impacts.
  • Establish contacts with present-day neighboring communities, American Indian or other Native Americans, and other cultural and social groups with traditional associates to park resources.
  • Assists in consultations for NAGPRA, AIRFA, NEPA, NHPA, as well as executive orders, NPS policies and guidance on relations between park-associated peoples and the ethnographic resources they value.