Job Listing
🔗Historic Preservation Specialist

Website New Jersey Historic Trust
The New Jersey Historic Trust is an in but not of agency affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs. Established in 1967, it is governed by a Board of 15 Trustees, appointed by the Governor. The Trust is the primary funder for historic preservation planning and capital projects in New Jersey. Stable, predictable funding is provided through a dedication of the Corporate Business Tax.
New Jersey Historic Trust seeks an experienced historic preservation specialist or historical architect for a temporary, full-time position. While the successful candidate will be willing to work through a temporary agency, this position can become permanent in the next fiscal year.
The Historical Trust is partnering with the NJ Arts Council in funding capital projects on sites that are on or eligible for listing in the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places. As a liaison for the Trust, this individual will coordinate with the Arts Council in grant management, providing technical assistance and overseeing grant-funded projects to completion. The candidate will be required to make site visits as needed.
Successful candidates should demonstrate an understanding of the application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Preservation.
Attention to detail, good communication, and writing skills are essential for this position.