Job Listing
🔗Historic Preservation Program Analyst
Website New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation
The NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation’s Division for Historic Preservation (also known as the State Historic Preservation Office or SHPO) helps communities identify, evaluate, preserve, and revitalize their historic and cultural resources. The Division for Historic Preservation (DHP) administers programs authorized by both the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the New York State Historic Preservation Act of 1980. These programs, including the Statewide Historic Resources Survey, the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places, the historic rehabilitation tax credits, the Certified Local Government program, the state historic preservation grants program, state and federal environmental review, and a wide range of technical assistance, are provided through a network of teams assigned to territories across the state.
The Historic Preservation Program Analyst implements the work of the Survey and National Register Unit within an assigned geographic territory. This person directs and monitors historic resource surveys; prepares evaluations of eligibility for historic properties and districts; reviews and comments on state and federal undertakings through compliance reviews; reviews Part 1 applications for the State Homeownership tax credit program; and documents historic properties and districts for nomination to the State and National Registers of Historic Places. Specific Duties include, but are not limited to the following:
• CONSULTATION: Evaluate state and federal consultation submissions to determine if eligible historic properties are present and are likely to be impacted. State and Federal compliance submissions are evaluated for accuracy and completeness. NR eligibility findings are prepared in a concise format, citing the appropriate criteria. Compliance reviews must be completed within the required time frames afforded under state and federal law while allowing sufficient time for all other internal reviewers.
• STATE AND NATIONAL REGISTERS PROGRAM: Prepare State and National Register of Historic Places nominations and guide property owners and consultants in the development of nominations. Edit resulting drafts to ensure conformance with acceptable National Park Service standards. Do additional research, if
• PUBLIC MEETINGS: Participate in public informational meetings. Present nominations to the New York State Board for Historic Preservation.
• SITE VISITS: Make site visits and meet with project sponsors for both survey and National Register projects.
• SURVEYS: Assist local sponsors in designing historic resources surveys. Periodic travel to assigned territory is required. Evaluate completed surveys; update online inventory with new USN and/or revisions to existing ones. Discussion of methodology and boundaries with consultants; reviewing and analyzing final reports; preparing determinations of NR eligibility; and issuing comment letters to sponsors.
• CULTURAL RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM (CRIS) INVENTORY/TREKKER MOBILE APP: Review for content and quality control incoming data from our Trekker Mobile App. Enter building inventory information into CRIS to ensure the consistency and accuracy of all data. Help maintain and update the database of historic properties in CRIS. Assist with the ongoing clean-up of existing unique site numbers so that the data are correct. This detail-oriented work includes reconciling legacy data as part of her review of Survey reports and project review submissions.
The Historic Preservation Program Analyst works on site at DHP’s offices at Peebles Island State Park, Waterford, NY 12188 with the possibility of up to 50% remote work after a training period.