Job Listing
🔗Heritage Partnerships Planner

Website Susquehanna National Heritage Area
Susquehanna National Heritage Area is a regional non-profit organization and Congressionally-designated coordinating entity for America’s 55th National Heritage Area. We collaborate with local, state and national partners to connect people to the nationally important places and stories of Lancaster and York Counties in South Central Pennsylvania. Our work focuses on the cultural and natural resources of the Susquehanna River and the ribbon of scenic and historic landscapes and communities along its shores.
The Heritage Partnerships Planner is a new position to the organization, which will play a pivotal role in fostering collaboration among stakeholders to promote wide appreciation for the natural and cultural resources of the Susquehanna National Heritage Area. Under direction of the Senior Vice President of Planning & Projects, and in close collaboration with the SNHA Interpretive Advisory Group, this position will develop and support a regional interpretive program. Working with partner organizations throughout York and Lancaster Counties, the Heritage Partnerships Planner will encourage regional participation in the implementation of the Susquehanna National Heritage Area Management Plan. Working with organizations and individuals throughout Lancaster and York counties, the Heritage Partnerships Planner will develop a region-wide presentation of the four interpretive themes described in the Management Plan. Such a presentation will highlight the region’s heritage resources and encourage visitors to explore sites, places, and landscapes which relate to the nationally important themes identified in the Management Plan. The Heritage Partnership Planner will also play a key role in promoting and administering a grant program focused on the implementation of the Management Plan.