Job Listing
🔗Tax Credit Project Reviewer (Environmental Protection Specialist III/IV or Architect I/II)

Website Texas Historical Commission
$4,800.00-$5,400.00, Environmental Protection Specialist III
$5,400.00-$5,800.00, Environment Protection Specialist IV
$5,200.00-$5,900.00, Architect I
$6,000.00-$7,000.00, Architect II
JOB OBJECTIVE: Perform complex architectural assistance and preservation work related to the state and federal historic tax credit programs as part of a four-member team within the Division of Architecture (DOA) at the Texas Historical Commission (THC). Work involves reviewing program applications for compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, providing technical and consultative assistance regarding program rules and requirements with applicants and members of the public, and assisting with program administration and promotion. Works under minimal supervision with considerable latitude for the use of initiative and independent judgment.
- Review architectural projects under the Texas Historic Preservation Tax Credit program for conformance to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the program rules. Communicate conditions for approval and recommendations for approval or denial of project.
- Review architectural projects under the Federal Investment Tax Credit program for certified rehabilitations in conformance to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the program rules. Communicate conditions for approval and recommendations for approval or denial of project.
- Provide technical consultation to applicants, potential applicants, professional consultants, other governmental agencies, and members of the public regarding the Standards for Rehabilitation, application requirements, and program rules via email, telephone, and in-person meetings and site visits.
- Meet, in an office or field setting, with architects, professional consultants, owners, government officials, and others as necessary to assess building conditions and understand the programmatic requirements, applicable building codes, and other factors that influence the design of a proposed project.
- Negotiate with architects, professional consultants, owners, government officials, and others as necessary to achieve satisfactory resolution to disputes over project scope and/or compliance with program rules.
- Communicate regularly with the National Park Service Technical Preservation Services to understand standardized program and architectural issues relative to the consistent application of the Standards for Rehabilitation, seek preliminary guidance on potential projects, and advise the NPS of situations or concerns with federal tax credit projects.
- Work in close coordination with program team, Architecture Division Director, agency leadership, and the National Park Service on high profile and complex projects as needed.
- Coordinate with other THC staff, divisions, and programs on the tax incentives programs to support common goals for economic development.
- Prepare written materials related to the historic tax credit programs, including descriptions of completed projects, technical guidance, and informational articles for THC publications and the THC website and social media accounts.
- Assist with program administration in coordination with program team members, including maintaining physical and digital files, updating program database, updating program webpages, and preparing program reports.
- Prepare and present workshops or conference sessions for communities, professional groups, or developers on the tax credit programs.
- Communicate with local and regional preservation organizations to promote the program and program accomplishments.
- May assist the program coordinator with training others.
- Adhere to an established work schedule with regular attendance.
- Follow all THC safety guidelines/procedures and ethics requirements.
- Perform other duties as assigned.