Job Listing
🔗Director of Restoration
Website Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
The Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc. is a private, nonprofit organization that owns and operates Monticello, the mountaintop home of Thomas Jefferson located in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Foundation has a twofold mission of preservation and education, and we succeed with the support of over 500 full and part-time staff, volunteers and interns spread throughout the organization in a variety of disciplines.
Monticello’s Director of Restoration understands the Monticello house, its evolution, and the Monticello plantation. The Director demonstrates:
- An interdisciplinary knowledge of architectural history (local, regional, and national), architectural conservation, the evolution of architectural finishes, landscape architecture, and an ability to place any proposed conservation, reconstruction, or restoration into a scholarly context.
- Mastery of the design and evolution of Monticello’s historic architectural resources.
- The ability to develop, implement, and document conservation and restoration treatments for historic buildings in museum environments.
- Familiarity with the documents relating to the design, construction, and subsequent history of the buildings and landscapes at Monticello.
- Expertise in documenting historic resources through photography, architectural drawings, and written descriptions.
- Ability to foster and grow collaborative relationships with Foundation staff, the public, and contractors.
Essential Functions:
The Director is involved in a wide range of activities, including:
- Planning and implementing conservation treatments and restoration projects.
- Overseeing outside contractors involved with conservation and restoration projects on the house, dependencies, and Mulberry Row.
- Documenting existing conditions through photographs, written reports, and measured drawings.
- Educating staff, volunteers, and new hires on Monticello’s design sources and architectural evolution.
- Writing scholarly and popular articles based on their work at Monticello.
- Helping with donor and Board cultivation.
- Supervising and managing the activities of the Restoration Specialists with occasional hands-on work required.
- Working closely with the Curatorial, Facilities, and Garden and Grounds departments on planning and implementing conservation and maintenance projects.
- Working closely with Education and Visitor Programs on training, updating interpretive materials, and project scheduling.
- Working closely with Marketing and Communications on media requests and special tours.
- Answering visitor and staff inquiries.