Job Listing
🔗Senior Preservation Planner
Website Town of Brookline
The Department of Planning and Community Development is responsible for the Town's planning initiatives and programs relative to land use regulations, historic preservation, housing, economic development, CDBG/HOME and Community Preservation Act grants, and long-term projects to advance the priorities of the Select Board. The Planning Department consists of three divisions: Housing & Community Planning, Economic Development and Long-Term Planning, and Regulatory Planning.
-Administers the Town’s Local Historic District by-law. Processes applications for review by the Commission. Reviews plans for all exterior renovations to buildings within local historic district. Works with the Building Department to ensure compliance with all regulations. Prepares materials for public hearings.
-Sets equity goals and work priorities for the division in coordination with the larger departmental-based equity goals.
-Proposes policy or process changes that supports the goals of the Preservation Commission, Department and the Select Board.
-Administers the town’s Demolition Delay by-law. Reviews all requests for demolition in town and determines significance. Prepares reports for public hearings. Works in cooperation with owners to develop and implement alternatives to demolition.
-Participates in the design review of National and State Register properties as needed.
-Consults with other town departments including Planning, Economic Development, –Housing, Conservation, Park & Open Space, Engineering, Cemetery Trustees, etc. on design review and development projects.
Initiates and prepares determination for eligibility for National Register listing.
Please see the job posting on the town’s website for the full list of duties.